Have you ever come down too hard on someone at work?

Most people wing it when they first start managing a team. Some things come intuitively, but when things get hard you can tend to be a bit harsh with people as you push them to better results. Sometimes you even lose your cool and say something you regret.

And that’s totally normal - it’s how management (and parenting) was modeled for most of us. These mental models and worldviews get passed on through natural observation of the way things have been done. 🤦‍♀️

But there is definitely a better way to motivate your team to perform at a higher level. You have to create a container for growth that allows your team to build missing capacities and naturally tap into inherent motivations and strengths. 💥

Lately, I’ve been coaching teams to help them disrupt negative patterns and improve communication so they can move faster while lowering stress levels. And it has been so fun to see these teams grow and develop really strong bonds in a short amount of time.

Using the Enneagram has really helped them build rapport and trust and reduce friction so they can operate more efficiently. If you are looking to uplevel your team's performance and build a sense of camaraderie on your team, this might be for you.

Maybe you are managing a new team and find the dynamics a bit confusing, or your team is navigating a big change that is throwing you for a loop. Or maybe things are going well for you, but you have a sense that your team could take things to another level and want to unlock that potential and tap into the diverse strengths on your team.

I'm putting together a pilot program to teach a handful of people how to conduct an audit of their team and improve their communication skills using the Enneagram personality system as well as a few other frameworks. If you are interested in joining in the October 2022 cohort, send me note and let me know! 📲


Why I do this work…


Is micromanaging really the best way to improve performance?