Michelle Kay Anderson

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The Growth Journey For Each Enneagram Type

As I reflect on the past year and all that came with it, 2020 reminded me that I am not in control and to just roll with it. Be present to what is happening now. Do a good job and trust it is enough. This is big work for me! As an Enneagram 1, the first thing I notice is what is not going right and my brain kicks into overdrive as it tries to fix, adjust, and modify things to be closer to the ideal.

But this year I got to practice allowing everything and trying to stay with the feelings that come up instead of trying to change or suppress them. And this was a big shift for me. As I head into the new year, I’m not running from anything. I’m not pushing things to happen. I’m setting my intention and dreaming big and letting it be. While I keep making progress, my only job is to enjoy what’s here now and trust it'll all work out.

In my personal life, I've let go of a need to keep things moving in a specific direction. My intention this year is simple: to be me. Honor my body and what it is telling me. Listen to my intuition. Trust that I’m enough. And that feels good.

It is aligned with the growth path for Enneagram type 1 - accepting things the way they are and enjoying the goodness that is present. So, as a gift to you, I wrote you a letter to help point you in the direction of growth, using wisdom from the Enneagram. It is meant to be a gentle reminder of the development work that is yours.

In a world of cheap advice and a ton of things we SHOULD be doing, it can be easy to get swept up in good intentions this time of year and try to do ALL. THE. THINGS. But that is a cultural trap that will leave you exhausted and in the same place you started.

My hope and dream for you this year is that you get closer to the desire of your heart and can relax into who you are.

You can email me for a copy of the letters with friendly reminders of your growth journey for each Enneagram type. Did you know that the Enneagram specifies a growth path for each of the 9 types, based on the habitual patterns that tend to take you further away from your essential self? 

Seeing this laid out can be tough for people because it seems far off or impossible. But remember that this is NOT like a smart goal that you set - this is the journey of your lifetime. It is the thing that will get you closest to what you truly desire. And that looks a little bit different for each of us, so why should we all be working on the same things?

Send me an email and let me know if this resonates with you. Here's to more of you this year!